Often signs of neuromuscular disease includes weakness, unusual or atypical lameness, behavior changes, seizures, and signs often recur after treatment. Clinical signs can vary from acute to chronic. The Decision Tree may help you form a diagnostic plan.
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After treating the horse, a veterinary evaluation is important. We recommend a post-treatment examination by the veterinarian at 10 days after initiating treatment. They will assess the gait score and any other changes seen after treatment. If the horse has not returned to normal, contact us to consult on the case. If the horse has a chronic relapsing history, consider an alternate diagnosis: polyneuritis, equine motor neuron disease, equine degenerative myloencephalopathy or sarcocystosis due to S. fayeri, or polyneuritis equi.
A veterinarian can get a muscle biopsy, especially in cases that aren't responding to treatment as expected. Please refer to Bedford et. al. JAVMA, Vol 242, No. 8, April 15, 2013. This paper describes how to obtain a biopsy of the sacrocaudalis dorsalis medialis muscle. Specimens are obtained 1 to 2 cm off of midline, 4 cm cranial to the tail head.